Dr. Victoria Bucholtz (She/Her), Senior Strategist and Trainer holds a doctorate in History from the University of Calgary, with a cognate field in gender theory.

Victoria is a LGBTQ+ facilitator and currently also teaches at Mount Royal University. She is a transgender rights activist, entertainment producer, and drag queen. An avid mountaineer, skier, and dog mom, she lives in Calgary, Alberta in the Treaty 7 Region.

DEI Training

In-person, live online or online on-demand, we offer a multitude of diversity training customized to your work. Our trainings are evidence-based and informed by best practices and designed to be impactful and sustainable.

DEI Implementation

Using a combination of your organization’s DEI data and industry best practices, we will build tailored and integrated DEI strategies, frameworks, action plans. To help ensure sustainable change, we also offer implementation support.