Speak at our upcoming GBA Plus Conference!
Call for Abstracts for the 2023 Gender-based Analysis Plus Conference
Conference Overview
Canadian Equality Consulting’s third annual virtual Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA Plus, formerly GBA+) Conference is here to provide a pathway forward and build a supportive community for participants to:
- Learn the ins and outs of the powerful intersectional equity tool GBA Plus and how it can be integrated into your work.
- Explore leading intersectional quantitative and qualitative data-gathering practices and trauma-informed methods.
- Unpack successful GBA Plus case studies and lessons learned to enhance buy-in and ensure sustainability.
- Learn tangible and actionable tools and strategies in completing a successful analysis of GBA Plus while adapting the tool to meet one’s priorities of anti-racism, de-colonization, or indigenization.
Abstract Submission Overview
The Conference organizers invite abstract submissions for 15 – 20 minute engaging and inspiring presentations on various Conference panels (see Panel topics in the agenda).
We encourage submissions that share lived experiences in relation to identity populations and GBA Plus; can share a tangible case study or concrete example using GBA Plus successfully; and/or can educate and share research or innovative approaches to GBA Plus.
We encourage submissions from equity-deserving communities and people from all industries and sectors, including Government, non-profit organizations, post-secondary institutions, and private sector businesses.
Submission Criteria
- Clearly identify the name of the presenter, title or position, the organization they represent (note: this information will be published on the Conference website and Conference materials); an e-mail address to contact them; and attaching the presenter’s resume or CV.
- Full title of the proposed presentation; the Panel that the presentation best fits in (see agenda below); and, whether the presentation aims to share (presentations must meet one of the following three criteria, at a minimum):
- Lived experience
- GBA Plus concrete example or case study
- Research or innovative approaches for GBA Plus
- A short description of the presentation (ideally no longer than 500 words) including a summary, key takeaways, ideal length of presentation, and identifying any interactive elements or activities.
- Short biography, head-shot, and social media handles (to be used in Conference materials).
Abstract Evaluation
- All submissions should be sent to Hello@canadianequality.ca by February 28, 2023.
- All submissions will be evaluated based on:
- Relevance to conference audience and Panel topics
- Identification of intersectional equity-deserving population lived experience (if submitting an abstract presentation about lived experience)
- Clearly defined GBA Plus examples and case studies of successful GBA Plus implementation
- Demonstration of innovative evidence-based approaches to GBA Plus
- Notification of acceptance will be sent by March 31, 2023.
Download the Call for Abstracts info sheet.
Learn more about the conference here.
Download the conference schedule here.