Passionate about social justice, Emilie is recognized for driving meaningful change and advancing diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in various organizational and community settings.

She dedicates her academic and professional career to human rights and combating social inequalities. Emilie holds a Master’s degree in Political Science from Concordia University, specializing in public policies related to immigration, interculturalism, ethnocultural and religious diversity, as well as combating racism and discrimination, particularly in the Quebec context. She also has a Bachelor’s degree in International relations and International law with a specialization in feminist studies from the Université du Québec à Montréal, which provides a robust foundation for her DEI work.

As a program manager for DEI and antiracism in a non-profit organization, Emilie excelled in creating, planning, and managing impactful programs and events aimed at raising awareness on prejudice, bias, and discrimination. A skilled facilitator, she builds and delivers multiple trainings sessions, workshops, and discussions for diverse audiences, showcasing her adaptability and strategic mind in addressing these sensitive topics. Emilie leads and facilitates with empathy, believing in the power of meaningful dialogue and creating spaces where all voices and ideas are heard.

Her previous work has received significant honors, such as the 2023 prize Pour un Québec sans racisme, awarded by the Quebec government and the 2023 Special Mention from the jury of the Droits et Libertés Award, presented by the Quebec Commission for Human Rights and Youth Rights. These honors reflect her dedicated efforts to continuously drive progress toward more inclusive and equitable environments.