Jessica is a passionate inclusion & HR practitioner who thrives on cultivating meaningful relationships while driving organizational change. Belonging is at the core of everything Jessica does, and she strives for everyone to experience this fundamental human need in the workplace and beyond.

Jessica has worked across a wide variety of industries and finds joy in uncovering the unique challenges each organization faces and crafting tailored people solutions that not only address immediate concerns but also lay the groundwork for sustainable growth. She approaches DEI work as an integral part of how an organization operates, leveraging data-driven support to design strategies that not only promote DEI but also hold the company and its leaders accountable for real results.

Jessica is an East-Asian woman who moved to Canada at a young age and has personally encountered and observed instances of discrimination. These experiences spurred her commitment to dedicate herself to DEI work, focusing on achieving better working conditions, an end to discrimination, more diversity in leadership representation, and greater corporate responsibility for impacts on the world.

When Jessica plans and budgets for DEI and culture work, she likes to think about it not as disjointed set of projects, but as an interconnected and cumulative set of interventions building toward change - from conducting training programs to establishing equitable policies and processes, she has worked to embed DEI into the fabric of organizations, creating spaces where individuals from diverse backgrounds can thrive and contribute meaningfully.

Jessica holds a Bachelor of Commerce in Human Resources Management and a Certificate in Leadership & Inclusion. She enjoys exploring Toronto with her dog (a Shiba Inu named Bento) and traveling as much as she can. Her favourite part about traveling (besides trying new food!) is fully immersing herself into various cultures, allowing her to reassess her existing perspectives and biases while embracing viewpoints that may differ from her own.